Live a Little More Lightly: A Simple Year

There have been many times in my life when I’ve felt overwhelmed. At times, the amount of stuff in the house, our financial situation, the demands of a family–all of it has, in its turn, been too much. A Simple Year is a course that helps you explore what it would take, for you, to simplify your life. It covers a different topic each month in the year.

It starts in January. This is the last year it will be offered (which is a shame). It was created and is coordinated by Courtney Carver. She’s put together a wonderful panel of guides who have walked the walk and now talk and teach each module.

Join by November 14th to save $100 off of the regular membership of $299.

I took the course in 2015. 

Full disclosure: I only paid attention to the modules that were important to me and I don’t remember taking a whole lot of focused action on anything past the decluttering…though I’m sure I soaked up information in the module on running a simple kitchen. This year, there’s a module on simple fitness which is intriguing. 

I do believe it was one of the more important things I’ve ever done. My life was incredibly productive that year: and I got rid of a ton of stuff. (Noticing how wonderful it feels to have my home decluttered, functional and decorated got us here, after all.)

So, If you feel at all overwhelmed by your life and want to simplify it—take the course.

If you’re not at all sure about what you want out of life—take the course

If you know what you want your life to be like but can’t figure out how to structure it—take the course.

Or, if you’re already some way along the path and want to keep going with the support of others, –take the course. 

Full disclosure: This is an affiliate link.

Courtney will be hosting an informational webinar followed by a Q&A on Nov 7th. Here’s the link for the webinar.

If this speaks to you, give yourself permission to live more simply all year long, for the rest of your life. Sign up for A Simple Year.


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